Thank you for donating to Sonoran Institute

At the Sonoran Institute we are proud of our supporters and value the critical role you play in making everything we achieve possible. With your help, the Sonoran Institute has worked for over 30 years helping communities adapt to changing environmental and economic conditions. By supporting the Sonoran Institute, you are part of forward-looking solutions that see beyond tomorrow, solutions that make a measurable difference.

If you have any questions about these or other ways to contribute to Sonoran Institute please e-mail

Workplace Donations

Contribute through a Retirement Account
You can name Sonoran Institute as a beneficiary of your retirement plan.

Workplace and Matching Gifts
Does your employer match charitable contributions? If they do, you can double the impact of your gift to the Sonoran Institute. When you send us your donation, simply include your company’s matching gift form and we’ll do the rest.


In Memoriam Donations

Leave a Gift in your Will or Trust
A gift to Sonoran Institute through your will or trust ensures that the impact of the Sonoran Institute will continue for generations.

Memorial and Tribute Gifts
Honor someone special by making a memorial or tribute gift in their name.

Other ways to Donate

Stock Gifts
You can donate stocks, bonds, and mutual fund shares to Sonoran Institute. We’ll send you a charitable income tax deduction for the full market value of the asset. It’s possible to completely avoid capital gains tax by contributing securities instead of cash.

Want to increase the impact of your gift? Recurring gifts sustain our programs. Monthly and Annual donors will be invited to join the Sonoran Sustainers, the Sonoran Institute’s membership program. Special perks included!

Become a Sonoran Sustainer Member Today